• COSIGN 2002 Proceedings (2.3 MB)
    Andy Clarke, Clive Fencott, Craig Lindley, Grethe Mitchell, Frank Nack (eds)
    These are the full proceedings of COSIGN 2002, featuring all of the papers listed below plus the introduction written by the organisers of the conference.
  • NarToo: A Tool Based on Semiotics to Support the Manipulation of a Narrative (101 KB)
    Maria A. Alberti, Dario Maggiorini, Paola Trapani
    This paper describes NarToo, a proof of concept application which is capable of transposing a written synopsis to the multi-modal language of a movie, using principles derived from the semiotic theories of Greimas to analyze the narrative and reveal its deep structure.
  • Meta-Level Category "Role" in Metadata Standards for Learning: Instructional Roles and Instructional Qualities of Learning Objects (85 KB)
    Heidrun Allert, Hadhami Dhraief, Wolfgang Nejdl
    This paper outlines how the meta-level category "role" can be integrated, in a flexible and extensible way, into the draft Learning Objects Metadata (LOM) standard to enable important information, such as the instructional quality of a learning object, or the instructional role filled by it within a learning process, to be conveyed.
  • http:www.madmadmax.com/one_way/ (10 KB)
    Max Amagliani
    This unconventional paper is Max Amagliani's statement regarding his artwork "One Way".
  • Where do Virtual Corpses go? (209 KB)
    Brody Condon
    This paper describes the author's artistic work using videogame mods and patches, and outlines the theoretical concerns behind this work. These theoretical concerns revolve around issues relevant to contemporary digital art practice and commercial computer game development, as well as personal observations and motivations.
  • Drawing on the Web (10 KB)
    This paper presents the artist's thoughts on web art and on the use of Flash vector graphics on the web.
  • The Gates of Paradise (16 KB)
    David Daniels
    This paper describes the creative process behind the author's visual poems, created over a 15 year period using only Microsoft Word. The relationship between the word, the font and the shape is explored, as is the motivation behind the work.
  • Uzume: A performative Event In Virtual Reality (80 KB)
    Petra Gemeinboeck
    This paper provides an introduction to the theoretical, conceptual and architectural levels of Uzume, a CAVE based virtual environment which explores issues of presence, control, reflectivity, and otherness through allowing the user to interact with a strange, yet communicative, virtual entity.
  • The Virtual Poetry Domain (270 KB)
    Ladislao Pablo Györi
    This paper presents a summarized review of recent work done in Argentina in the field of "virtual poetry", the development of immersive three-dimensional texts using the technologies of VRML and virtual reality. The artwork "Art Criticism in Cyberspace" by García Mayoraz is analysed, as is work by the author.
  • A Semiology of Video (314 KB)
    Takahiko iimura
    This paper analyses the author's video trilogy "Camera, Monitor, Frame" (1976), "Observer / Observed" (1975), and "Observer / Observed / Observer" (1976). It explores the principles behind this project whose aim was to create a Semiology of Video as a video work rather than a written text.
  • The New Image: On the Temporality of Photographic Representation after Digitalization (87 KB)
    Troels Degn Johansson
    This paper discusses the temporal relationship between image and referential reality in photographic representation. This is done first on the basis of the semiotic concepts of icon and index, then with reference to Pier Paolo Pasolini's contribution to film semiotics, and finally as part of a general discussion on notions of temporality in theories of photographic representation with special reference to new media.
  • The Labyrinth as a Model of Complexity: The Semiotics of Hypermedia (63 KB)
    Lucia Leão
    This paper explores the notion that the labyrinth is present in hypermedia systems in two ways. Firstly, there is the potential labyrinth, present as a modular document with hyperlinks acting as "doors" to other documents, and secondly there is the lived labyrinth - that which is experienced by the user during their navigation of this "hyperspace".
  • CrossTalk: An Interactive Installation with Animated Presentation Agents (108 KB)
    Thomas Rist, Stephan Baldes, Patrick Gebhard, Michael Kipp, Martin Klesen, Peter Rist, Markus Schmitt
    This paper describes CrossTalk, interactive installation featuring virtual conversational characters. In the system outlined here, the characters are demonstrated within a car sales scenario featuring three characters interacting on two separate screens (the name “CrossTalk� underlines the fact that different animated agents have cross-screen conversations amongst themselves).
  • The Noise Simulator: Artistically Researching the Possibilities of VR (100 KB)
    Kim Boekhout van Solinge
    This paper describes the artist's "Noise Simulator" project, part of an ongoing project to explore the possibilities of VR from a non-technological, artistic point of view. With "Noise Simulator", the artist has reversed Virtual Reality to Real Virtuality. The artwork itself is built around a caravan and fires bouncing balls at the user, from all sides, at up to 100 mph.
  • Amorphoscapes (31 KB)
    This paper describes the artist's "Amorphoscapes" series of works, as well as examining the phenomenon of "Soundtoys" in general.
  • Creative Flow Visualization Using A Physically Accurate Lighting Model (289 KB)
    Mark J. Stock
    This paper describes the author's techniques for the creative visualization of three-dimensional turbulent flows in a two-dimensional image. Three-dimensional fluid flow is compactly represented as vortex lines or sheets, and a computational method called a vortex method, which is uniquely suited for this representation, is used to calculate the evolution of those elements in time and space.
  • Exploring the Field of Net Specific Expression (Language): Extracts/Some Pieces on c.re.ations (26 KB)
    Reiner Strasser
    This paper explores the artist's experiments in Net Art, persuing the artist's aim to explore and develop a language for this work from inside the medium. The artist describes their intention as being to fuse different media in Net Art pieces by using net-specific possibilities, developing ideas out of the tension between different media (e.g. text and picture, static image and animation, visual and audible).
  • Structural Models for Interactive Drama (45 KB)
    Nicolas Szilas
    This paper explores the extent to which Structuralist models are useful in designing computer programs for Interactive Drama, where the audience can act to modify the story while the computer responds to these acts and maintains the narrative experience. The author describes his own computer model and its Structuralist sources, as well as discussing the limits of Structuralism within it.
  • Interfacing Dance and Technology: Towards a Theoretical Framework for Dance in the Digital Domain (68 KB)
    Isabel de Cavadas Valverde
    This paper explore the notion of interface in dance and technology works, through the analysis of a number of specific works including Ghostcatching, produced by Riverbed in collaboration with dancer and choreographer Bill T. Jones, and T-Garden by Sponge/Foam. In doing so, it identifies isses at stake in these works including notions of embodiment and identity (both individual and collective).
  • Container Love: Preforming the Body Electric (225 KB)
    Steffen P. Walz, Chris Poultney, Tobias Wörner
    This paper outlines the issues explored in "Container Love", an experimental preformance which utilizes a range of resonant and concrete direct interaction styles in order to meditate upon our moving emotional relationships with machines.

COSIGN papers are listed on Google Scholar. Download papers for 2001, 2002, 2003 and now 2004.

COSIGN Journal to be launched.

COSIGN becomes member organisation of IASS.

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